💧 Water Saving Calculator

By gyanbyjabulanui.in

1. Please select your shower method:

2. Please select your cloth washing method:

3. Please select your shaving method:

4. Please select your brushing method:

5. Please select your Car Wash method:

6. Please select your plant-watering method:

7. Please select your gardening method:

8. Please select your flushing method:

9. Please select if you have fixed leakages:

10. Please select your utensil washing method:

11. Please select your Water serving method:

12. Please select if you let the faucet run unattended:

13. If you saved water by any other method, please enter the NUMBER below (in liters):

Please write what you did for extra savings in the comment box in the blog.

14. Please accurately enter your details for WATER SAVING CHAMPION E-Certificate:


Click on the above button to calculate your water savings!

Total Water Saved Today

Water Saving CHAMPION'S Details

Copy the above text and paste it in a comment in the WATER SAVING CHAMPION Blog to get your E-Certificate. You will get your certificate within 3 days.